Why choose JEM Finance Group?
Finance Options we offer
The financier has a mortgage over the asset until the asset is paid in full. At the end of the term, the asset is yours.
- Range of terms available
- GST is claimed upfront on the entire purchase price
- Ability to set a residual balance to reduce repayments
A Finance Lease is similar to renting except you own the asset at the end of the term after a residual (balloon) payment is made. You pay for an asset over a fixed loan term
- Range of terms available
- Residual balance is determined by ATO guidelines
- GST is claimed at each payment
An Operating Lease is similar to a rental agreement. In that you pay a monthly fee for having access to the asset however you do not own the asset. There are options as part of the agreement to upgrade to a new asset, add-on or return the asset.
- Range of terms available
- Repayments are not equal to the total value of the asset
- GST is claimed at each payment
- 100% tax deduction
You can finance the purchase of a motor vehicle, boat, caravan and other leisure items including jet ski's.
- Range of terms available
- Finance of a variety of assets
Want to chat?
I'm Jonathan Streater.
I'm a finance broker with over 25 years of experience.
I take the pain out of getting a loan for individuals and businesses.
Now I'm ready to help you